Welcome to our Gorgeous Guest series for 2017! This year I wanted to share with you my favourite women in business. We talk about the challenges they face in their business/career, overcoming “busy-ness”, and what motivates them on a daily basis. Grab a tea, juice or wine and get ready to be inspired! Introducing our next Gorgeous […]
Say “YES!” to new adventures and putting yourself first
Guest post by Janelle Lorenzini Are you constantly putting yourself second? Always making up excuses as to why you don’t have time to look after yourself and give yourself the self-care it needs to get through your busy week? Me too! I was always finding random excuses to not stop and be kind to myself. […]
Prioritising self-care, no matter how busy you are
Gorgeous Guest Post by Erin Williams How many times do you find yourself so busy that self-care is the last thing on your mind? Do you often find yourself going weeks or months without taking some time for yourself, simply because there’s too many things you need to do? Do you blame your commute and full […]
Goal-setting mistakes and action steps to fix them!
Gorgeous Guest Post by Anna Johnson-Hill My daily life used to revolve around alcohol and fitting in. I had little respect for myself and funnily enough, my world (friendships, relationships, body image and self-esteem) mirrored that. One morning in 2012, I woke up hungover and feeling sorry for myself – you know, one of those […]
How to create divine relationships
Do you ever find yourself wishing that your existing relationships with family, friends, work colleagues and your partner were easier? Are you sick of the drama that certain people create in your life, particularly when it makes you dread going to work? Do you hate engaging in gossip and negative discussions that drag you down? […]
Mastering Your Mean Girl with Melissa Ambrosini
Today marks the launch of my special friend Melissa Ambrosini’s first book, Mastering Your Mean Girl! For those of you who have been following Gorgeous Presence for a while, you would know how much I love attending Melissa’s weekly Goddess Groups. She is one inspiring beauty and I love the message of self-love that she […]
Finding balance with Amanda Bisk
At the Utopia Women’s Wellness event in Sydney recently, I had the pleasure of meeting the gorgeous Amanda Bisk, a former gymnast and champion pole-vaulter. Amanda has an awesome Instagram page, which I have been following (with envy) for a number of years. Make sure you check it out and you will understand why! However […]
Ten ways to practice mindfulness in the workplace
Gorgeous Guest Post by Nicola Judkins, Reclaiming Strength Mindfulness is the art of being in control of our own minds, rather than them being in control of us. It’s about living in the present moment, creating space to just ‘be’, and choosing to experience life from a place of love, not fear. But what if […]